Arrow Bass-baritone Tomasz Konieczny as John the Baptist in “Salome” at the Vienna State Opera

12 Sep, 2024
Bass-baritone Tomasz Konieczny as John the Baptist in “Salome” at the Vienna State Opera
© Tomasz Konieczny / Karpati & Zarewicz

The current season at the Wiener Staatsoper features a number of Polish singers. In September, bass-baritone Tomasz Konieczny revisits the role of Jokanaan in “Salome” by R. Strauss. The artist has sung John the Baptis in Vienna before, including performances directed by Bolesław Barlog in 2015, 2016, 2020 and 2021, and the current staging is by Cyril Teste. The first three shows with the Polish singer will take place on September 21, 23 and 25. Further performances are on stage April 5, 7 and 10, 2025.

Music Director of the production is Philippe Jordan. Simone Schneider plays the role of Salome for the first time, alongside Matthäus Schmidlechner as Herod, Monika Bohinec as Herodias, and Daniel Jenz as Narraboth.

The libretto was written by the composer himself, based on the drama by Oscar Wilde. The ascetic prophet Jochanaan, who preaches repentance, seems to offer Salome (princess of Judea, daughter of Herodias) an escape from this world. However, he rejects her longing. Full of immature anger, she demands his head. When Salome kisses the prophet’s bloody mouth, her stepfather Herod orders her to be killed.

Tomasz Konieczny will also appear in a recital on the Vienna stage on March 26, 2025. The artist will be accompanied by Lech Napierała on piano.

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