“Rivoluzione e Nostalgia”, directed by Krystian Lada, streamed on OperaVision
Following the premieres of Krystian Lada’s diptych with music by Giuseppe Verdi on the stage of the National Opera of Belgium La Monnaie in Brussels (“Rivoluzione” on March 22 and “Nostalgia” on March 23), it is time for online premieres.
“Rivoluzione” will be available live on OperaVision from 7.30 p.m. tonight (March 29), and “Nostalgia” – from 3 p.m. tomorrow (March 30).
The first part, set in the 1960s, tells the story of three friends in the shadow of a turbulent revolution. It is continued in the second one – at the beginning of the 21st century, the friends meet at an art gallery and remember the past.
The two-part production features emerging Polish soprano Gabriela Legun. Carlo Goldstein is the musical director of the show.
Check out our interview with Krystian Lada, the script writer, director and set and video designer of the show, in which he speaks about his work on the diptych.