Arrow The Polish Royal Opera promotes the 3rd In Tempore Regum Festival with the “The Merry Violinist” painting

15 Sep, 2024
The Polish Royal Opera promotes the 3rd In Tempore Regum Festival with the “The Merry Violinist” painting
© Gerrit van Honthorst (1592 - 1656), The Merry Violinist, detail

The Polish Royal Opera invites audiences to the 3rd Festival In Tempore Regum. The events will be held over six autumn evenings in the historic spaces of Warsaw. The venues will be filled with the music of old masters from Poland and abroad, performed in the royal Poland of the 17th and 18th centuries. The program of the opening gala includes vocal and instrumental works of two leading figures of the Baroque era – Antonio Vivaldi and Johann Sebastian Bach. The works of the famous cantor from Leipzig, who in 1736 received the title of Royal Polish and Electoral Saxon Composer, will also resound during the finale of this exceptional music festival. The program includes works by Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki, one of the most unique Polish composers of the Baroque era.

Vocal and instrumental concert performances will feature the soloists, Chorus, Chamber Choir, and Period Instruments Ensemble of the Polish Royal Opera Capella Regia Polona, conducted by outstanding experts in early music: Krzysztof Garstka, Martyna Pastuszka, Jakub Burzyński, Lilianna Stawarz and Andrzej Kosendiak. The Festival program also includes works for a cappella choir – scores by Italian bandmasters active at the Polish court will be presented by the Chamber Choir under the baton of Renata Szczypior.

The Polish Royal Opera promotes its events with old masters’ paintings. The current edition features “The Merry Violinist” by Gerrit van Honthorst (1592 – 1656), a painter from the Utrecht school who made a series of portraits of musicians. The painter clearly illuminated the character’s face, showing emotions rendered with typical Dutch realism. The painting, currently held in the collection of  the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, was created in 1623.

The festival program is available here. Tickets can be purchased online at


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